Some helpful information
The Language Centre is a private bookshop full of good quality, competitively priced languages resources.
We specialise in foreign languages and English as a second language, English for migrants, overseas students, adult literacy, numeracy and travel. We are a totally Western Australian owned small business with friendly, knowledgeable, multilingual staff.

What products can I get there?
Books - textbooks, phrase books and travel/culture books
Book & Cds
Book & DVD kits
Dictionaries - English/English or English/Foreign Language
Fiction in easy English and in other languages
.. and much more!

What are the opening hours?
Monday-Friday - 9am to 5pm
We can easily open at other times by prior arrangement.
Click HERE to contact us and make an appointment.
Do I need to visit the Centre?
We would love to meet you but you don't have to come to the store.
We accept orders by fax, mail, email or phone are accepted and our experienced staff is able to select for you if you make your requirements known to them.
Credit card details or a cheque are required before goods are dispatched.
Can I get credit?
Invoices for educational institutions and Government Departments can be arranged on provision of an order number.