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These 12cm verb wheels are the 'must have' for all English language learners'.

English Irregular Verb wheel

  • These 12cm verb wheels are the 'must have' for all English language learners. The front of the wheel contains irregular verbs from A to L and the rear contains M to Z. Unsure what an irregular English verb is? It is a verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual -ed ending such as walk (past tense walked). Examples of irregular verbs are sing (past tense sang); feel (felt); and go (went). To use the wheel, turn it until the arrow points to the infinitive you wish to learn, then through the slots you will see the preterite/past tense and the past participle of that verb.
    The Wheels are $9.95 each or $8.95 each for 10-19 or $7.95 for 20+.

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