The first thing you will notice about Everyday Numeracy in Australia is that it is not like other elementary-level textbooks on the market. That’s because it has been designed from the ground up with everything elementary learners need, nothing they don’t.
Everyday Numeracy In Australia
- The first thing you will notice about Everyday Numeracy in Australia is that it is not like other elementary-level textbooks on the market. That’s because it has been designed from the ground up with everything elementary learners need, nothing they don’t. Too many textbooks tend to rush the critical elements of basic numeracy, especially for adults and young adults, because numbers are perceived as too simple to worry about. But this often results in intermediate and even advanced learners who have fossilised errors in pronunciation or ordering, which become huge obstacles to their progress in education, employment and community services.
Each exercise is from a real-world lesson. With special permission from Centrelink and Medicare, the book reproduces samples of government forms that students will need, for practice filling out. Together they cover the essential foundations for living in the community that other books leave out. The authors are experts in the needs of newly arrived adult learners. Into this volume, they have distilled their experience of helping literally thousands of new migrants adjust to life in Australia.