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Your key to learning the Italian verb system. Verb conjugation is a major roadblock in learning Italian for many people. Italian verb drills is here to help you over come this obstacle so that you can confidently use verbs when expressing yourself in Italian.

Italian verb drills 3rd Ed

  • Your key to learning the Italian verb system. Verb conjugation is a major roadblock in learning Italian for many people. Italian verb drills is here to help you over come this obstacle so that you can confidently use verbs when expressing yourself in Italian. This book and its complementary online exercises will simplify the complexities of this crucial area and strengthen your language skills. The book includes numerous examples that demonstrate how the Italian verbs system works; review and mastery exercises to reinforce your learning ; answer key to give you clear explanations on every concept and free access to supplementary online exercises to check your progress once you have completed the book.
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