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This book is a attempt to put a very useful and classical exercise with methodology that makes it attractive to broad mass of students and teachers, what ever their learning or teaching styles

Pilgrim Publication Series (Dictation many ways,..

  • Dictation Many Ways
    This book is a attempt to put a very useful and classical exercise with methodology that makes it attractive to broad mass of students and teachers, what ever their learning or teaching styles

    Have You Tried This One?
    Here are 25 lesson plans and ideas for 50 further lesson plans developing from them. Many of these ideas will work well for adult students as well.
    Trigger Cards
    This book is for teachers of second language and all the methods in this book are useful for all levels of teaching
    Open Up a Teacher- Vol 1
    If you work through this book it will prove to be very use full as it covers topics useful in methods used in the classroom in teaching English as a foreign language.
    Open Up a Teacher- Vol 2
    This is a 40 hour self study course it is for native speakers of English who want to become teachers of English as a foreign language.
    Well Said
    This book prepares students for the use of recognised English in both written and spoken English these skills will improve with this hand book. Designed for upper levels of learning.

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