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Things that help us

Tesol Support - Talking Technology

  • Introduction

    Things that help us

    Unit 1: School Lunches
    Unit overview
    Activity 1.1: What is in a lunchbox?
    Activity 1.2a: Make popcorn and a container
    Activity 1.2b: Make some muesli bars and a container

    Unit 2: Letterboxes or mailboxes
    Unit overview
    Activity 2.1: What is a letterbox?
    Activity 2.2: Design a letterbox
    Activity 2.3: Make a letterbox
    Activity 2.4: Write and post a letter

    Unit 3: Toys and games
    Unit overview
    Activity 3.1: What are toys and games?
    Activity 3.2: Play the going to school game
    Activity 3.3: Make a board game

    Unit 4: Protective clothing
    Unit overview
    Activity 4.1: What are they wearing?
    Activity 4.2: Match the world and picture
    Activity 4.3: Draw the clothes
    Activity 4.4: From boots to hats
    Activity 4.5: Design and make a sunhat

    Unit 5: Making a book
    Unit overview
    Activity 5.1: All about books
    Activity 5.2: Make a book
    Activity 5.3: Write your story

    Unit 6: Homes for pets
    Unit overview
    Activity 6.1: All about pets
    Activity 6.2: What pets do we have?
    Activity 6.3: Design and model a home for a horse
    Activity 6.4: Design and make a dog kennel
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